Directing Your Call
When calling the main Prairie Clinic number, 608-643-3351, you can ask for the appropriate area within the clinic.
Switchboard | 608-643-3351 |
Appointment Desk | 608-644-2400 |
Billing Questions | 608-644-2419 |
Referral Questions | 608-643-3351 |
Medical Records Fax | 608-643-8162 |
EXPRESS HOURS - Limited Hours
Calling Your Provider
At times, you may find it necessary to call for advice or with a question regarding your care. When you call the office, the operator will take a brief message.
Our staff has had training to enable them to help you with questions or problems that may arise. In order to allow the providers to devote their full attention to scheduled patients, your provider's assistant will return your call.
Please be patient with us as we receive many calls during the day. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. (Calls received after 4:00 pm are routinely returned the following morning.)
To schedule an appointment at Prairie Clinic, call (608) 644-2400.
At Prairie Clinic, we try to schedule appointments for our patient's convienience, as well as for the efficient use of our providers' time.
We realize people get sick unexpectedly, and therefore we set aside part of each day for same day appointments. If your primary provider is available, he or she will see you. If your provider is not available, you may be asked to see another provider.
Our schedule is planned to minimize waiting time. Please try to inform us ahead of time if you feel additional members of the family should be seen. A sincere attempt is made to adhere to our schedule, but emergencies do arise and will complicate the best of schedules. We ask for your understanding at these times.
Main Office
Women's Health Center
Prairie Clinic Main Office -
112 Helen Street
Sauk City, WI 53583
Prairie Clinic - Women's Health (Obstetrics And Gynecology) -
250 26th Street Suite 100
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
Directions From Madison (To Main Office):
Directions From Baraboo (To Main Office):
contact numbers
Appointment Desk: 608-644-2400
Billing Questions: 608-644-2419
Referral Questions: 608-643-3351
Medical Records Fax: 608-643-8162
Address: 250 26th Street, Suite 100,
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
EXPRESS HOURS (Main Office Only)
At this time, we HAVE LIMITED HOURS
FOR our Express cLINIC